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Nardo Steampunk Glasses

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Nardo Steampunk Glasses

3 ratings

Steampunk glasses for


Just in case your steamengine is leaking again :)

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You need

  • One variant of Nardoragon
  • PoiyomiToonShader if you want to use the default materials in the Unitypackage
  • Knowledge of Blender (Armature and Shapekeys)
  • Knowledge of Unity (toggables and blendshapes)

You get

  • A blend file which contains the model including the semi-procedual materials.
  • A Unitypackage with the asset and a material setup (PoiyomiToonShader)
  • Glasses up/down blendshapes
  • The baked Color, Metal and Normalmaps.
  • VRCFury Setup
    • Toggle
    • Up/Down State
    • FPV State (Darker view in the lens color)

How to add this to you Avatar (VRCFury)

Just drag and Drop the VRCFury Prefab onto your avatar.

How to add this to you Avatar

You can also use the unitypackage, but this might increase your bone count.

  1. Open your Nardoragon blend-file
  2. Append the glasses objects from the glasses blend-file
  3. Parent the new object to the Nardo's Armature as "Armature Deform"
  4. Test the Armature in Pose-mode, because of the Vertex Groups of the parts, it should work right out of the box.
  5. Export the file as FBX with the default settings.
  6. Replace the Nardoragon.fbx of your Nardoragon Unity-Project (Assets\Dragon\Nardoragon.fbx) with the expoted one (same filename)
  7. You now can setup the materials for the glasses as you want and setup it as toggable with the usual workflow

Terms of Service

There are no refunds because this is a digital copy.

I am not responsible for any actions performed with this asset.

Do not resell the asset.

You are allowed to include the Asset in Public VRChat Avatars.

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